Playing the Game
/We should never view love as a game. If it is truly a game, there has to be a winner and a loser. In true love, both parties are "losers" because true love is sacrificial! Jesus showed us the model, he sacrificed everything, including his life, out of love. True love means that we sacrifice for the good of our mate and vice versa...there is no gamesmanship or manipulation involved.
Oftentimes, our idea of love is overly sexualized and under spiritualized. The sexual component brings gamesmanship with it because we often engage in manipulation in order to achieve the ultimate goal of sex. Love is spiritual before it is physical. We only need to look to Jesus for confirmation. We love Him because He loved us first and He loved us from eternity, even while we were in the state of our unformed substance! The spiritual aspect of love is much deeper because it stands through the adversities of life and withstands the challenges that are constant in a marriage. Ask yourself if you are living as a human chess piece and viewing your mate as the same or if you are following the model set forth by Christ. There is no checkmate in marriage.
MEDITATION: Ephesians 5:22