Current Work
Agapao: Loving Your Wife the Way God Intended
Agapao is Dr. Russell's seminal work. Written while his wife was deployed to Iraq, the book explores the emotions that he experienced, the transformation that took place in his life and his commitment to ensuring that his wife, Danielle, would be secure in knowing his love for her. Agapao was written as a guide for couples, men who are looking to strengthen their relationships and for women who want a man's perspective on marriage. Read a sample here: Chapter 14: Love is What Love Does. Read Danielle's Afterword here [Danielle's Afterword]!
“Before Dr. Russell was called into ministry; I could see him slipping into the balcony of our church [at that time], as he felt no need to run toward the spotlight, because it is very true that your gifts will make room for you (Proverbs 18:16). The first ministry is to one’s home and Dr. Russell indeed brings clarity to the things to be considered so that your spouse will have a sense of peace and gratitude for being made to feel special. This peace is a beyond understanding and just because we don’t understand the workings of God, it does not preclude their reality. I fully believe that the words penned in this book will forever impact your life.”
-Rev. Dr. Henry P. Davis, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Highland Park, Landover, MD
“Russell sends a powerful and joyous concerto that guides us through the symphony of life – indeed it is written in the key of life...This book is “must” reading for those of us who need to refocus our energies and thoughts in order to realize how our lives can be directed to achieve deep, soulful and eternal love.”
-Dr. Fitzgerald Bramwell, Owner and CEO, Empire Science Resources
“To say Agapao is eye opening is an understatement. This book is heart-opening to say the least. Agapao serves as a very practical guide for men who need enrichment in the area of being “loving” toward their wives, with meditations included. Although Dr. Russell speaks candidly to husbands in his writings, it can very easily help wives as well. This book brings a deeper insight into walking out the traditional wedding vows- “To have and to sickness AND in health”. We all can get so caught up in taking life for granted; Agapao is the perfect read to bring it all back home to what really matters: The Love.”
-Ms. Eunice Mingo-Blakely, Director of Behavioral Health, Franklin Primary Health Center, Inc.
“Dr. Albert Russell causes husbands to take an introspective look at themselves and how they are to unconditionally love their wives. It is evident that the experience that Dr. Russell encountered while his wife was deployed, indisputably shaped a perspective of what true love is all about. This book also teaches us how to embrace the changes of life without fear and apprehension. Through life‘s ups and downs, and various stages, there is a comprehensible depiction that ultimately leads us to embrace and understand an amazing love that God has demonstrated for us. ”
-Dr. Richard Bumpers, Dean of Advancement, Point University; Pastor, Park Place Church, Atlanta, GA; Author of "Transformative"
“Dr. Russell has written a great book! His insights into marriage are awesome. I believe that many men and pastors do not fully understand marriage as well as he has described in the pages of this book. I believe that he should teach a course on the Meeting of the Secular and Sacred marriage for any man thinking about getting married and for any man that is married.”
-Dr. Clarence W. Murray III, Senior Scientist, Food and Drug Administration, College Park, MD
“...Like its author, the book reeks of authenticity, simplicity, humility and, above all, love. Love not only for his eternal bride Danielle and his children, but for all who read it. For, in it, I pray that each of us may find in some measure our own strength and compassion (or lack thereof) and choose to do as Dr. Russell: Be a light to other even in the midst of the dark, and to do so knowing that there is “a great cloud of witnesses” waiting us to join them in eternity.”
—Dr. Brian L. Johnson, 7th President, Tuskegee University
“It is my honor to share my feelings about Dr. Albert Russell’s book...Dr. Russell is speaking life over marriages through his personal experience and revelations through God’s word. As a Pastor, I see the need for a book like this, giving us an open window into his own personal struggles of married life and strategies to deal with marital issues. After reading Dr. Russell’s book, I believe God has an enlightening word for our marriages.”
-Dr. Edward J. Nettles, Senior Pastor, Freewill Missionary Baptist Church, Montgomery, AL
“...Rev. Albert Russell lives a transparent Godly life and without a doubt you can see his footprints and feel his heartbeat on every page of this book. His life is a powerful testimony of one who is living for Jesus, preaching for Jesus a Gospel while being a “real” person. With every page I read, I learned valuable and lasting lessons that he made me realize in the pursuit of honoring Christ. I believe this book is God-breathed and destined to change the lives of many, many people. Dr. Albert Russell, Thank you taking pen and putting it to parchment in this book that I believe will transform lives and become a best seller!”
-Dr. Tyrone A. Blue, Pastor/Teacher First Missionary Baptist Church, Gainesville, FL; Principal, Grand Park Education Center, Jacksonville, FL
Walk With Me: God Seen, God Heard, God Revealed: A 365 Day Devotional
OUT NOW on Amazon (Kindle and Paperback): Walk With Me is a devotional designed for those who seek a deeper and closer walk with God. Written in easy to read vernacular and with a common sense approach, it is theological yet easily understandable.
Pushing Through the Pain: Continuing in Ministry After Suffering Great Loss
OUT NOW on Amazon (Kindle and Paperback): Pain and suffering are a part of everyday life. Ministering is not limited to preaching. Ministering simply means that we work in the service of others. When you are a minister for God, His mission supersedes everything. There are specific instances in the Bible of people who had to push through intense pain and loss to continue ministering to others. This book explores the lives of Joshua, Ezekiel, Paul and Jesus to examine how they dealt with loss, pain and continuing in ministry. Sample Here!
Breaking the Curse
OUT NOW on Amazon (Kindle and Paperback): Have you ever believed that there was a generational curse on your family? Dr. Russell explores this topic in his first fictional work, Breaking The Curse. Set in Mobile, AL, the book follows Enoch, a young, southern man, who is curious about why, and how his father mysteriously died while at sea. His mother is tightlipped about the details, so Enoch begins his own quest. In addition to the passing of his father, after losing an older brother, Enoch begins to wonder if there is a curse on his family, and if he’s next in line. Hearing the sordid details of his father's adulterous past, and finding out the name of his mistress, Enoch goes on a mission to find answers. His sojourn lands him in hot water in the Big Easy!
#RealManDiaries: 30-days of Real Talk for Real Men
OUT NOW on Amazon (Kindle and Paperback): In this 30-day devotional, centered around family and raising children in difficult circumstances, Dr. Russell explores taboo topics such as gender roles, sexuality, marital issues, and child rearing. Written in plain language, and geared towards men, it is designed to give insights and wisdom to anyone seeking to become a better husband/father/friend. If you are a man who is taking care of your business, regardless of the circumstances, you are appreciated. PURCHASE HERE: (Paperback) or (Kindle)
Future Work
The Manly Stanley Series
Manly Stanley, a fictional character, stands up to bullies, solves problems and teaches life lessons to the kids. Designed for K-5 aged students, these books explore tough topics from a kid's perspective.