Loving Through Our Sinful Nature
/We often wonder why it's so hard to do the "right" thing. What we must always remember that we are broken because of the brokenness of the world. We are born into sin (Psalm 51) and because of that, we must be supernaturally transformed in order to truly do the "right" thing. Even in our process of being transformed, we still make mistakes, we still have issues and we still sin.
Now, consider putting TWO sinful, broken people together and the problems are multiplied by a factor of two! That is why we must submit to the authority of Jesus in our marriages. We must yield to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We must continue to die to our old self, our sinful nature, every single day. The more we become conformed to the image of Jesus, the less we become like ourselves.
The diagram above is just a pictorial representation of what I stated in the first two paragraphs. Man was created in perfection. Sin marred that perfection. The cross restores and is restoring that perfection as we conform to the image of Christ. When dealing with issues with your spouse, look for the spiritual root of the issue and solve it from that perspective. Pray and ask God for the mind of Christ, don't be afraid to be humble enough to admit wrongdoing and seek to do things the way that Jesus would do them.
MEDITATION: 2 Corinthians 3:18