Greener Grass
/Proverbs 5:15 tells us to drink from our own cisterns. The writer is not offering a suggestion but a command. He is warning against the dangers of infidelity. A cistern was an underwater storage compartment used in ancient cultures. Some were large enough to walk around in! This means that there was more than enough water in that cistern to satisfy the drinker. How does this relate to your marriage? Your cistern ought to be more than enough to satisfy you. You shouldn't need to get water from someone else's cistern. Sometimes we look at the other cistern and think that it's better. What we don't realize is that the quality of the cistern will be directly proportional to the amount of effort expended to keep it up. The grass on the other side may look greener but you must count the cost of keeping it that way. Fertilizer, constant watering, aerating, mowing, edging...all details that must be accounted for. Now, if we put that type of effort into our own marriages (lawns/cisterns), we wouldn't have to look elsewhere. Greener grass usually equates to a higher water bill.