Don't Spend it ALL on Valentine's Day...INVEST Some for Later.
/Every year, in February, we get bombarded with advertisements and different solicitations for St. Valentine's Day. Supposedly, it's about love and mushiness. I have some news for you, February 15th is looming. What are your plans for then? For most of us, it simply goes back to the normal routine of "hi and bye" in the morning, and "good evening" after work is done. We have been duped. Danielle and I used to debate endlessly the merits of Valentine's Day. It's not a holiday. If you want to read about the true origins, click here. Being caught up in the cultural phenomenon of Valentine's Day means one thing, money, lots of it. We can spend inordinate amounts of money on candy, bears and jewelry. My advice is simple, rather than breaking the bank, use a different strategy. Invest in your relationship. Valentine's Day is like buying up cheap stock only to see the value plummet. Invest in your marriage DAILY. Do nice things DAILY. Compliment each other DAILY. See the marriage as an investment. If you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, at least don't let that be the only time that great affection is shown or gifts are given. If you're only giving flowers one day per year, there is something wrong.